Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Rescue...

Meet Bosco, the stuffed dog my grandson saved from the dumpster.
Charlie cleaned out his garage and brought the junk to the shop dumpster to
throw away. Josh saw the stuff dog and grabbed him and took into my office and
and put in Dede's crate to fool dede into thinking there was a new dog around.
Dede fele for it, barking and shaking...I came in and saw the dirty little dog and took him
home and put him in the washing machine and dryer. He turned out so white, soft and fluffy.
I am going to save him for when Addy comes over, and she can play with him.
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Anonymous said...

That has got to be the cutest stuffed dog. He looks so real. I want a big teddy, but Frankie would tear it to shreds. It's what he does to anything stuffed. Hope he stops that one day.

Jeri said...

Bosco found his way back home to his rightful owner, I am so glad I saved him.